Polkesraya International Conference 2023

This volume contains papers presented at the 2023 2nd Polkesraya International Conference, which was held during OCTOBER 31th, 2023 in Palangka Raya, Indonesia.

PIC provides a scientific platform for both local and international scientists, engineers and technologists who work in all aspects of medical and health. In addition to the contributed papers, internationally known experts from several countries are also invited to deliver keynote and invited speeches at PIC 2023.

The volume includes 8 selected papers which were submitted to the conference from universities, research institutes and industries. Each contributed paper has been peer-reviewed by reviewers who were collected organizing and technical committee members as well as other experts in the field from different countries. The proceedings tend to present to the readers the newest researches results and findings in the field of medical and health.

Much of the credit of the success of the conference is due to topic coordinators who have devoted their expertise and experience in promoting and in general co-ordination of the activities for the organization and operation of the conference. The coordinators of various session topics have devoted a considerable time and energy in soliciting papers from relevant researchers for presentation at the conference.

The chairpersons of the different sessions played important role in conducting the proceedings of the session in a timely and efficient manner and the on behalf of the conference committee, we express sincere appreciation for their involvement. The reviewers of the manuscripts, those by tradition would remain anonymous, have also been very helpful in efficiently reviewing the manuscripts, providing valuable comments well within the time allotted to them. We express our sincere and grateful thanks to all reviewers.


Mars Khendra Kusfriyadi, STP, MPH

Opening Speech

drg. Arianti Anaya, MKM

Welcome Speech

Prof. Andrew J. Macnab

University of British Columbia
Vamcouver, Canada

Dr. Ita Muharram Sari, Sp.S

Rumah Sakit Pusat Otak Nasional
Prof. Dr. dr. Mahar Mardjono, Indonesia

Febi Dwirahmadi, BSc.PH., MSc.PH., Ph.D

Griffith University
Queensland, Australia

Prof. Dr. Indang Ariati Ariffin

Vice President, Research and International Affairs
Management and Science University Malaysia

Dr. dr. Suyuti Syamsul, MPPM

Dinas Kesehatan Provinsi Kalimantan Tengah

Conference Committees

Advisor : Mars Khendra Kusfriyadi, STP., MPH.
Person in Charge : Ns. Maria Magdalena Purba, S.Kep, Ns,M.Med.Ed.
Dr. Nang Randu Utama, S.Pd., MA.
Dr. Marselinus Heriteluna, S.Kp., MA.
Program Chair : Dr. Lamia Diang Mahalia, MPH.
Secretary : Greiny Arisani, M.Kes.
Treasurers : Normila, SKM, M.KL.
Event Planner : Dr. Legawati, SST.,MPH.
Ns. Agnes Dewi Astuti, M.Kep., SpKep.Kom.
Ns. Munqidz Zahrawaani, S.Kep., M.Kep., SpKep.A
Ns. Yuyun Christyanni, S. Kep., M. Kep.
Ns. Syam’ani, S. Kep., M. Kep.
Wahidah Sukriani, SST., M. Keb.
Retno Ayu Hapsari, S.Gz.,M.Nutr & Diet.
Destinady K. Miden, S.Kep., MKM
Cucu Rahayu, S.Gizi, M.Si.
Publication : Dr. Tri Ratna Ariestini, S.Kep., MPH.
Itma Annah, SKM, M.Kes.
Harlyanti Muthma Innah Mashar, MSc.
Okto Riristina Gultom, M.Si.
Secretariat : Titik Istiningsih, SST., M.Keb
Prisilia Octaviyani, SKM, MKM.
Ns. Mimin Lestari, S.Kep.,M.Kep.
Novina, Ners., M.Kep.
Agnes Imanuella, S.Tr.Gz.
Lisa Tri Wahyuni, A.Md.Kes.
Public Relation : Andrie Pangestu, M.Med.Kom.
Ns. Sucipto Dwitanta, M.Kep., Sp.Kep.MB.
Rahmat Apriyanto, S.Tr.Kes.
Liliani Chandra Dewi, S.I.Kom.
Technical Support : Fina Ratih Wira Putri, S.Farm., Apt., M.Sc.
Arif Adiguna, S.T.
Ari Hidayatullah, S.T.
Technical Contest Team : Ns. Wijaya Atmaja Kasuma, M.Kep.
Ns. Aida Kusnaningsih, M.Kep, Sp.Kep.Mat.
Apt. Baharuddin Yusuf, S.Farm., M.Farm.
Apt. Sukmawati A. Damiti, S.Farm., M.Farm.Klin.