Polkesraya International Conference 2022

This volume contains papers presented at the 2022 1ST Polkesraya International Conference, which was held during November 16th, 2022 in Palangka Raya, Indonesia.

One of the targets to be achieved by Polkesraya’s center of excellence for youth is to become the organizer, speaker, and presenter at international conference. This annual international seminar is entitled “Polkesraya International Conference” (PIC). The theme of the 2022 PIC is “Optimizing Early Child Growth Development for Future Adolescents in Sustainable Development Era: Does Environmental Affect the Child Health”. This PIC event involves 4 countries. England (UK) represents the west, Australia represents the south, while Singapore and Indonesia as the host represents Southeast Asia.

The holding of this International Conference is expected to further introduce Polkesraya to various countries in the world. On top of that, a wide or worldwide network of cooperation is expected to take place to support the three pillars of higher education


Prof. dr. H Hamam Hadi., MS., Sc.D., Sp.GK

Alma Ata University
“Tackling Multifactor in Stunting: Where to Start”

Febi Dwirahmadi, BSc.PH., MSc.PH., Ph.D

Griffith University, Queensland, Australia
“Global Agenda Dan Planetary Health Approach Of Optimizing Early Child Growth Development for Future Adolecent In Sustainable Development Era”

Dr. Hasse De Meyer

National University of Singapore
“Understanding Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (Adhd): Neurospycological Perspective on Adhd”

Syahirul Alim, SKp., M.Sc., Ph.D

Department of Basic and Emergency Nursing, Faculty of Medicine, Public Health, and Nursing, Universitas Gadjah Mada|
“Health-Care Facility Preparedness Planning In Health Care Services for Young People With Congenital Heart Disease and Asthma”

Joseph Leveremore, Ph.D

Imperial College London, UK
“Unlocking Adolescent Potential : A Guidance for A Meaningful Career”

Ns. Evy Marlinda, M.Kep., Sp.Kep.An.

Health Polytechnic Ministry of Health Banjarmasin, South Kalimantan
“The Influence of The Environment on The Growth and Development of Children”

Conference Committees

Advisor:Mars Khendra Kusfriyadi, STP., MPH
Person in charge:Ns. Maria Magdalena Purba, S.Kep, Ns,M.Med.Ed
Dr. Nang Randu Utama, S.Pd., MA
Dr. Marselinus Heriteluna, S.Kp., MA
Program chair:Ns. Wijaya Atmaja Kusuma, M.Kep
Secretary:Ns. Munqidz Zahrawaani, S.Kep., M.Kep., SpKep.A
Treasurers:Normila, SKM, M.KL
Event Planner:Dr. Tri Ratna Ariestini, S.Kep., MPH
Dr. Lamia Diang Mahalia, MPH
Ns. Agnes Dewi Astuti, M.Kep., SpKep.Kom
Wahidah Sukriani, SST., M. Keb.
Ns. Christine Aden, M.Kep., Sp.Kep. Mat.
Ns. Yuyun Christyanni, S. Kep., M. Kep.
Ns. Syam’ani, S. Kep., M. Kep.
Agnescia Clarissa Sera, S.Gz, MFoodScTech
Retno Ayu Hapsari, S.Gz.,M.Nutr & Diet
Oktavia Permata Sari Sitanggang, S.Pd
Publication:Ns. Alfeus Manuntung, S.Kep., M.Kep.
Ns. Ester Inung Sylvia, M.Kep., Sp.MB
Itma Annah, SKM, M.Kes
Apt. Baharuddin Yusuf, S.Fam., M.Fam
Destinady K. Miden, S.Kep., MKM
Apt. Sukmawati A. Damiti., S.Farm., M.Farm.Klin
Harlyanti Muthma Innah Mashar, MSc
Okto Riristina Gultom, M.Si
Secretariat:Titik Istiningsih, SST., M.Keb
Prisilia Octaviyani, SKM, MKM
Ns. Sucipto Dwitanta, M.Kep., Sp.Kep.MB.
Novina, Ners., M.Kep
Agnes Imanuella, S.Tr.Gz
Lisa Tri Wahyuni, A.Md.Kes
Public Relation:Andrie Pangestu, M.Med.Kom.
Rahmat Apriyanto, S.Tr.Kes
Agus Hidayatulloh, S.Gz
Liliani Chandra Dewi, S.I.Kom.
Technical Support:Fina Ratih Wira Putri, S.Farm., Apt., M.Sc.
Arif Adiguna, ST
Ari Hidayatullah, ST